Eileen McCabe
Saturday, June 19th - Eileen McCabe from New York City
7:00 - 8:30 p.m. via Zoom. $20 per Person
The Jupiter/Saturn conjunction in Aquarius is a twenty year cycle that will impact both the individual and the collective. Dane Rudhyar called Jupiter and Saturn the planets of socialization and that these two planets contributed to how we give our existence a sense of meaning and life purpose. While Jupiter symbolizes our potentiality for social expansion, Saturn is how we define and crystallize our identity in the outer world.
How will this particular conjunction change your life and what will be your own personal contribution to the evolution of consciousness? In this workshop, we will explore the overall meaning of a Jupiter/Saturn conjunction, the significance of Saturn and Jupiter moving into an air sign, and how the Jupiter/Saturn conjunction in Aquarius will affect all the signs of the zodiac.
Bring your questions and charts!
Eileen McCabe is a professional astrologer and social worker with a private practice in New York. She has received NCGR-PAA Level IV certification as a consulting astrologer, has a graduate degree in social work from Fordham University and has a certificate in psychotherapy from The Training Institute of Self Psychology. She is a teacher and counselor and combines the art of astrology with psychology and metaphysics. She is a past President and faculty member of the New York Chapter of NCGR.
Lilly Roddy
Saturday, July 17th - Lilly Roddy
NEPTUNE/PLUTO SEXTILE: Conscious Evolution in the Aging Baby Boomer Generation
6:30 - 8:00 p.m. via Zoom. $20 per Person
Lilly Roddy Lilly Roddy has been an Astrologer for the last 35 years. She counsels individuals in personal, business and financial matters, teaches classes in Astrology and writes a monthly and yearly column for OutSmart Magazine. She also writes a daily horoscope found at Lillyroddyshow.com .
Her original interest in astrology, like most, was to come to a better understanding of who she was and how to make the most of her life. She continues to study all areas of astrology and metaphysics to expand her base of knowledge. Her long-term goals are to bring astrology into more mainstream businesses and to help people to find their sense of purpose and fulfillment. Lilly teaches beginning and advanced astrology classes as well as lectures on various topics.
HAS Board
Wednesday, August 18th - Members of the Board
Q & A with the HAS BOARD. Bring your charts.
7:00 - 8:00 p.m. Trini Community Center - FREE to the Public 1414 Wirt Rd., Houston, Texas, 77055
Each participant can ask a burning question. What do you want to know? Trini Community Center, socially distanced.
HAS Board Members
Brian Clark
Thursday, October 21st - Brian Clark from Australia
A Skyful of Archetypes
6:30 - 8:00 p.m. via Zoom. $20 per Person
Astrology and psychoanalysis have similar root metaphors as both disciplines involve questions of birthright and the human soul. Psychoanalysis is microscopic exploring psychodynamic images, while astrology is telescopic considering heavenly symbols; but both consider the fate of the human and collective soul.
Brian Clark, is the creator of the Astro*Synthesis distance learning program which has been shaped from his experience as an astrological educator at astrosynthesis.com.au.
He is the author of many student publications, as well as three recent books – Vocation: the Astrology of Career, Creativity and Calling, The Family Legacy Astrological Imprints on Life, Love & Relationship and From the Moment We Met: the Astrology of Adult Relationships. His latest book Soul, Symbol & Imagination reflects on his participation and practice of astrology as an astrological student, counsellor and teacher over the past 40+ years.
No wonder Carl Jung was attracted to astrology from an early age. While astrology had always personified the god-like archetypes as the planets, Jung revived them on the inner landscape. As ‘personifications of unconscious contents’, the gods now revealed themselves on the psychic topography, just as the earliest astrologers had observed the gods in the constellations. Now the archetypal images had sanctuary in sky and psyche. In our lecture we will consider astrology through the eyes of Carl Jung.
Rebeca Eigen
Saturday, November 21st - Rebeca Eigen
6:30 - 8:00 p.m. via Zoom. $20 per Person
We suffer in our relationships when we don’t know ourselves completely. Using Jungian psychology and the 7th House in our Astrological birth chart, Rebeca will show you how there is light at the end of the tunnel of love once we are willing to go into the dark side (hidden, unconscious parts of all of us) with courage and an open heart to discover the Gold. Rebeca will describe how we can find balance in the opposites of our 7th house signs and planets and make them our own. Rebeca will demonstrate this using 2 or 3 specific case histories.
Rebeca Eigen is a 7th House Astrologer & Relationship
Alchemist for 25+ years and author of The Shadow Dance & the Astrological 7th House Workbook. Her in-depth study of Astrology and Jungian psychology has given her an invaluable awareness to help you realize why the unconscious plays an important role in your relationships. Visit her web site for a list of consultations available for individuals, couples, parent/child, friends — any relationship that you are trying to understand.
To learn more about Rebeca visit her web site at shadowdance.com.